Like Information Technology (IT) Industry, India has a comparative advantage in services like Healthcare. Medical Tourism is growing rapidly with a lot of Foreign Nationals and NRIs coming here for Treatment Medical Tourism not only includes Allopathic Systems of Medicine, but also Ayurveda and a host of other forms of Indian Medicine. The cost differentials in Healthcare between developed Nations and India are reckoned to be even higher than in the IT Industry. But cost is only one of the drivers. Sophisticated Medical Facilities in India can draw people from the neighboring Countries. India offers a range of World Quality Hospitals and Treatments at a fraction of world costs with comparable success rates and service levels directly in proportion to the Height Value Systemand natural caring that comes with its millennia heritage. There is a chain of Hospitals providing Medical Care to Foreign Patients etc like the Apollo Group, Escorts Heart Institute & Research Centre and All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Metro Hospital and Heart Institute and a number of big Hospitals in Mumbai and other Metropolitan Cities.
The concept of Medical Tourism is gaining significance for the Country as both Domestic and Foreign Insurance Companies are looking at India as a prospective Health Care Destination, with Corporate Hospitals that can compete globally. More Westerners are becoming aware of the facilities we have in Hospitals as well as the availability of Well-qualified Doctors. The potential for growth is tremendous not only for the Healthcare Industry but for the Hospitality Sector as well.
The Company provides Consultancy Services to setup Health Cities which will cover State-of-Art Hospitals, Start Hotels, Yoga Centres, Health Clubs, Ayurveda, Naturopathy and Unani OPD Consultations, Physiotherapy, Eco Tourism, Golf Club, IT Parks etc. with the main purpose of attracting Foreign Patients for Treatment as well as to boost Tourism and Foreign Exchange.